





The beginnings of our company date back to 1985, when its founder, Jordi Moncunill, who had dedicated his entire life to working as a braiding machine assembler, bought 4 machines and in the basement of the family home in Sant Salvador de Guardiola, and with the help of his family, begins to work for electrical cable companies, shielding their cables. The company grew, expanding machinery and premises, until in 1994 it was established as a company, with the name TRENATS GUARDIOLA S.L.

His great knowledge of braiding machines, the quality of the product, as well as his direct treatment and commitment to the client, are the bases of a great project.

This project continues at the Olesa de Montserrat facilities where the company moved at the end of 2021, and which continues to be a family business with the same values instilled by its founder.


Our commitment as a company leads us to have timely and exhaustive monitoring of our product, so that it meets the expectations of our clients, with whom we have direct contact. We are an experienced team, who work with the aim of providing solutions to the needs of our clients effectively and we are motivated to participate in their projects with our products and services.


Our company has machinery prepared to meet the production demands of our clients, in terms of quality and delivery time. With our experience, we can satisfy the demands of our clients, both in standard and more specific products, always meeting delivery times.

We have great flexibility to adapt to all logistical shipping and packaging requirements.

Our goal is to satisfy our customers with the best relationship of quality, service and price.


We are aware that by only offering quality in our products, we obtain the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers. That is why we are very demanding in the quality control of the products manufactured in our company, over which we have direct control.


We control, reduce and recycle all the waste we can generate. At Trenats Guardiola, we are aware of the need to take care of the Environment, which is why we apply any improvement to our facilities to reduce the impact that our activity has on our planet.